Export Your Signatures as HTML
Signite uses Google Workspace’s API to directly deploy signatures to Gmail’s signature settings.
Some 3rd party apps and email platforms don’t have access to these settings, so you’ll need to manually export your signatures HTML and embed it to these platforms.
1. HTML Code Types
To account for different platforms signature implementation methods, Signite provides 2 code configurations you can export and deploy:
1.1. Default HTML:
Used for deploying to Apple Mail and to most third party email platforms.
You can read more about this option in the following guide:
1.2. Outlook HTML:
Used for specifically deploying to Outlook, on both Windows and IOS.
See the following guides for more information on each deployment method:
Outlook on Windows: https://www.signite.io/support/guides/how-to-integrate-signite-html-signatures-in-outlook/
Outlook on IOS: https://www.signite.io/support/guides/how-to-integrate-signite-html-signatures-in-outlook-mac/
2. Download Options
You may choose to download the signatures for each user, one by one, or download for multiple users in bulk.
2.1. One by One
To download the user’s signature HTML code, go to the user’s editing screen, and after you deploy the signature, go to the HTML dropdown menu above the signature preview and click the appropriate code type for your platform.
See step one do help you decide which code type is appropriate.

2.2. In Bulk
To download all signatures you’ve deployed to your users in bulk, go to your Account screen (https://app.signite.io/account) and under Bulk Export Signatures as HTML choose the appropriate code type.
See step 1 for more explanation.

Note that this will let you download a ZIP file containing all deployed signatures, named after the users and unique aliases they were deployed to.
If you have any questions, please contact us at support@signite.io