Signite allows you to upload images for Logos, Profile Pics, and Banners.

To take advantage of all the available options in Signite’s templates, we’ve created the following convenient guide.

1. Logo image management

Maximum display size in template: up to 250px wide & 195px high

Supported formats: JPG | PNG | GIF | Animated GIF

Maximum file size: up to 2MB

Retina compatibility: Supports PNG | JPG formats while uploading images doubled in size.

Activated Retina Support

  • In case of a JPG / PNG upload the system will automatically modify/minify the image size for the appropriate dimensions.
  • In case of a GIF/ Animated Gif file upload, the image dimensions must not exceed the maximum dimensions mentioned.

Logo Resizing Method

To account for different logo proportions, Signite developed a formula to resize the logo based on the proportions between the logo’s width and height.

You may artificially add padding to the top and bottom of the logo, or to its sides, in order to influence the way the formula adjusts it in the signature.

If you need help resizing the logo or fitting it to your signatures, our team will be more than happy to help.
Contact us on and attach your logo’s file in vector format (Adobe Illustrator, SVG, etc.) or in high resolution.

2. Profile pic management

Maximum display size in template: 90x90px / 60x60px, depending on the template.

Supported formats: JPG | PNG

Maximum file size: up to 2MB

Retina compatibility: Supports PNG | JPG formats while uploading images doubled in size.

Activated Retina Support

  • In case of a JPG / PNG upload the system will automatically modify/minify the image size for the required dimensions.

3. Banner management

The display size in template ranges from: 300px – 700px wide & 300px – 700px high.

Supported formats: JPG | PNG | GIF | Animated GIF

Maximum file size: up to 2MB

Retina compatibility: Supports PNG | JPG formats while uploading images doubled in size.

See more regarding banners implementation and their sizes in the following guide:

Activated Retina Support

  • In case of a JPG / PNG upload the system will automatically modify/minify the image size for the required dimensions.
  • In case of a GIF/ Animated Gif file upload, the image dimensions must not exceed the maximum dimensions mentioned.

4. Handwritten Signature image management

Maximum display size in template: up to 250px wide & 195px high

Supported formats: JPG | PNG | GIF | Animated GIF

Maximum file size: up to 2MB

Retina compatibility: Supports PNG | JPG formats while uploading images doubled in size.

Activated Retina Support

  • In case of a JPG / PNG upload the system will automatically modify/minify the image size for the appropriate dimensions.
  • In case of a GIF/ Animated Gif file upload, the image dimensions must not exceed the maximum dimensions mentioned.

5. Blurry Images

Do your images appear blurry on some screens? You may be working with Retina screens.

To activate Retina Screen Support follow the How to activate Retina Support guide.

If you have any questions, please contact us at